Blue Mar drops his new single “Eulogy For Rohith Vemula”

Blue Mar (F.K.A Marcelo Deiss) is a Brazilian-born, Los Angeles-based musician whose music alternates between gritty guitar and nostalgic/vintage sounds.

Blue Mar’s music is a reflection of how fast we lose track of what is real and what isn’t as we navigate modern-day life’s obstacles, feeling tight and unable to unwind. He employs a lot of tongue-in-cheek wording and black humour to bring these difficulties to light. You may find yourself singing along to the amusing tunes, unaware that the words are in-depth and significant.

His latest track “Eulogy For Rohith Vemula” from the upcoming album ‘The March Hare’ pays respect to Rohith Vemula’s life and activity in India. Blue Mar was looking for inspiration in new areas after the pandemic’s aftermath had a major influence on his life when he came upon a collection of 26 writings in a book called “The Good Immigrant.”

Although it is titled “Eulogy,” the tune is a flood of pondering soundscapes buoyed by a relaxing trill of ukulele and a hum of quiet yet husky voices. The song was created in his Sao Paulo flat in just two days, making it one of the shortest songs he’s ever written, yet it exudes the sympathy and adoration you’d offer a good friend.

Having lived in both London and Sao Paulo, the Blue Mar can experiment with fresh sounds and ideas. The independent musician is making music that focuses on human connection and generates powerful emotions via the rawness of his music and the sheer seriousness of his words.