Marina Diamandis ‘Eat The World’: Freedom, Feminine Power and Psychedelics

Marina Diamandis has always challenged the idea of fame, and what better way to continue that rebellion than through a revealing, autobiographical poetry collection that lays everything bare? In conversation with Shon Faye, she was first asked how her new poetry book ‘Eat The World’ came to be, Marina took a breath, sighed, and said looking cheekily towards the audience “Well it all started on a shroom trip…”, to which the room erupted with a crescendo of laughter and cheers…

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Let’s Call The Far-Right Riots What They Are, Islamaphobia And Racism

For anyone who doesn’t have the emotional maturity or critical thinking skills to understand that getting into a rubber dinghy with your children knowing they might die on the way, isn’t an option any parent would take lightly, unless the alternative was far worse, may perhaps understand that if the MPs in Parliament stopped voting to bomb their homelands, funding wars in the Middle East, or in the case of Palestine, continuing to supply weapons to aid Israel’s genocide, then our brothers and sisters across the world wouldn’t be displaced to begin with. Living in a world where empathy and mourning for the loss these human beings have suffered isn’t the first thing felt is frankly soul destroying…

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Nao Yoshioka’s New Track Is A Reminder Of The Freedom We’re All Fighting For

If we’re being honest, freedom feels further out of reach than it ever has before, as governments across the globe attack human rights on every level, the working class are crushed by the rich and we kick, scream and protest for a more compassionate world, it’s often easy to get lost in the frustration of it all, for anyone seeking a motivating anthem for revolution, you’ll find it in Nao Yoshioka’s new track ‘Free As A Bird’…

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Road Testing East London’s Inclusive Hair Haven ‘Not Another Salon’

Pride month has arrived and we kicked it off in style this year by getting our hair done at London’s most inclusive salon. Walking through the door to Not Another’s flamboyantly decorated space feels like walking into a world where everything is right, rainbow-coded decor is the norm, stylists work on wigs destined for the heads of drag queens, pronoun pins have a permanent place on the reception desk and everyone expresses themself authentically from customers to the team…

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Mind, Body, Spirit Festival 2024

I’m a sucker for anything spiritual. Tarot cards, crystals, chakras- you name it and I’m there faster than you can say “mystical mumbo jumbo”. That being said, my relationship with my third eye is more of a casual flirtation than a long standing love affair. I just can’t muster the dedication to fully dive into the other realm, no matter how much I’d like to. So, as I strutted in to the Mind, Body, Spirit festival I was ready throw myself in to all the mystical madness on offer…

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A Haven Of Psychedelic Art Is Coming To London

If you’ve clicked on this particular feature, you’ll probably appreciate the cosmic play that led me to find out about ‘ENTHEON’, a psychedelic exhibition by artists Alex and Allyson Grey coming to London this July. Earlier this evening, after shedding a tear over their now sold-out ‘Flesh of The Gods’ blanket (that I’ve been eyeing up since February but have been too broke to buy), I found myself gagging to feel the energy of their work up close, a quick google led me to discover that the New-York-based duo will be bringing their work in the UK for the first time ever next month, right down the road from me in Canary Wharf (what are the odds?)…

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Broke Magazine’s Wild 90 Minute Experience inside Sasha Velour’s Mind

We were lucky enough to pull ourselves away from the rave and step into the mind-blowing world of Sasha Velour a few Friday’s ago. This is the queen who stole our souls with her epic lip-sync to Whitney Houston’s ‘Emotional’ seven years back in the finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race season 9. Fast forward to today, after experiencing Sasha’s latest spectacle, ‘The Big Reveal Live Show,’ we’re left asking questions like: Is drag losing its edge? Are some drag styles getting left in the dust by the mainstream?

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We Road-Tested Maria Lodetoft’s Sound Healing Session At The Mandrake, Here’s What Happened…

Walking up to the Mandrake, a luxury boutique hotel in central London where Maria Lodetoft, Head Of Spiritual Wellness there, holds her sound healing sessions, I felt a little out of place. Me and Iz aren’t exactly aligned with the ‘fancy’ lifestyle and in our matching red hoodies we stuck out like a sore thumb, so when met by the Mandrake’s doormat and welcomed into the building by a dimly-lit, artistically decorated corridor with calming, spa-like sounds, it gave us a moment to ground ourselves before ascending to the heavens and entering the fourth-floor penthouse to meet Maria…

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Everything You Need To For An At-Home Magic Mushrooms Trip

En route to a DNB event last Friday, I received a voice note from a fellow Broker (shoutout to Poppy) telling me she couldn’t make it. That left me with a decision, hop on the overground and head solo raving at 338 Studios, or do a 180, tap my way back out of Hackney Central station and dip home to make the most out of the magic mushrooms stashed in my bedside table. I chose the latter, and 15 minutes later, was sat in bed, ready to embark on a journey into my inner psyche…

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Older Brother B2B Broke Magazine: Dystopian Dance Tracks, Medicinal Music & Divine Inspiration

We live in a world where therapists put the symptoms of a broken society down to chemical imbalances, corruption lies around every corner, people are pushed into poverty by the very politicians they voted into power, and capitalism continues to pollute the planet. For those seeking solace and the first trickles of revolution, discover Older Brother, an artist designing dystopian dance tracks for over a decade…

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HE.SHE.THEY.’s Inclusive Rave Is Returning To Brooklyn, Here’s Everything You Need To Know

HE.SHE.THEY. has proven to do more than just throw parties. The brand is a record and fashion label, advocating for inclusivity in the nightlife scene through a shared love of music and dance. Its impact has already seen success in 15 countries and 40 cities, with plans to expand its reach even further in 2024. Here’s everything you need to know about their upcoming event in Brooklyn…

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