R&B artist MyCompiledThoughts looks at love from all angles in his new release ‘Pentagon’. The Haitian-born/Boston-raised artist offers up a soulful vocal performance on this track that dives deep into the complexities of trauma from past relationships.
Soft percussion and ethereal synths support the emotive melody, adding to the intimate soundscape.
On the meaning behind ‘Pentagon’, MyCompiledThoughts shares: “The song Pentagon, like the shape, has multiple meanings or sides to it. It is about being defensive. The song starts with the line “Promise me you’re different” because my guard is up after being betrayed. But it is also about passion, and how my passion for my past lover leads me to disregard the chance of future romance.”

Keep your eyes peeled for the official music video which shortly follows the single release and in addition to ‘Pentagon’, a second single titled ‘Venom’ is scheduled.