NORA’s latest instalment ‘Boys Getting Bored’

NORA is coming to make an eye-popping entry with her song ‘Boys Getting Bored,’ released today – conquering the world of alt-pop with music as colourful as her natural brightness.

She grew up in Norway but creates songs with international acclaim, and takes on today’s dating society. NORA mixes alt-pop inclinations with jazzy synthesisers to drive her highly relevant tale – the mind tricks encountered when entering the ‘dating game.’ ‘Boys Getting Bored,’ is an anthem for those who have been dumped by their counterparts, and those who can empathise, and empower their friends. Nora has always been considered a people person by her friends and family. She’s always been a joyful open book who enjoys a challenge and has a story or two to tell. That’s perhaps why her closest friends call her “the storyteller.” Something evident in her songs.

She has had hustling energy since she was a youngster, which she certainly inherited from growing up with a single mother in a chaotic, joyful, open, warm creative environment. She didn’t care where she did it as long as she did what she loved—performing and putting her all in the music, singing her little heart out.

NORA was, to put it bluntly, born into a girl-power society where following your heart and gut instincts and never being afraid to be yourself, no matter how difficult it may be, was inscribed by birth. Her name was deliberately picked with the meanings of light, enlightenment, and the future in mind, which is why she opted to maintain her birth name as her artist name. Being her strong, “strange self,” as she puts it, has become increasingly essential to her as she’s gotten older. Naturally, she depicts this in her songs, not just acoustically, but also aesthetically.

NORA goes full speed ahead in impacting the present soundscape – ‘Boys Getting Bored’ clearly embodies NORA’s claim of being “an alt-pop princess with a jazz ailment,” as she expresses her honesty and adds her unique flavour to everything she does.

Speaking more on ‘Boys Getting Bored’ NORA explains; “For so many years I have heard stories from my girlfriends, even girls I don’t know about boys and their ways, one thing that became more and more repetitive in these stories as well as in my own life is where we meet a guy on a night out, get on great, you think that this might become something, fall for the charm and find yourself showing all parts of yourself, only to find out he had a girlfriend all along. I found myself reflecting more and more how these boys do it, and hopefully as the time has gone by now, I have at least become slightly wiser and will see the signs more clearly in the future. This is something I feel most girls can relate to and I simply just want to share this track with all these girls who has gone through this and still are (there are many of us) and to give them a song they can not only reflect on and pour their heart out to when they sing out loud, but also have fun and dance to at pre-drinks with the girls. It might be song about boys getting bored, but its certainly is written for ALL my fellow females out there” 

NORA is currently working on her upcoming EP ‘Boring personality disorder’ scheduled to be released in Summer 2022.