Our dancefloors are dying… are grassroots music venues doomed?

There’s a magic you’ll find in small, grassroots venues that you can’t replicate in stadiums and arenas. Whether it’s the staff that show their genuine love for the scene, the close-knit communities they generate, or the queerness in the space’s layout, design and vibe. They know how to throw a real party.  

You’ve probably noticed some of your favourite venues vanishing across the UK over recent years. A government that doesn’t care enough about the arts, combined with the lingering effects of the pandemic and dwindling audiences, has seen record-breaking numbers of grassroots music venues (GMVs) close. 

The Music Venue Trust works to aid GMVs, investigating the extent of this crisis, and offering support to venues. The Trust released its Annual Report for 2024, and it’s not looking promising. With the number of GMVs down from 835 in 2023 to 810 in 2024, financial issues were the reason for just below half of closures last year. 

A 15.4% decline in audience visits from the previous year has fed into this phenomenon. The Music Venue Trust operates an emergency response service to support venues in crisis. Sadly, they saw record numbers last year, with over 200 venues utilising this service – that’s 24.9% of all GMVs.

Whilst we all love to see the biggest and best names in the electronic, house and dance scene (and beyond), we need to show smaller venues and artists the same love. Everyone started somewhere – GMVs provide a platform for new and emerging artists, often showing more appreciation and consideration for acts. GMVs are music businesses run by music experts, with artists’ best interests at their core.

Liverpool’s legendary venue Arts Club says GMVs like them “are essential to the electronic and dance music scene. They offer a space for up-and-coming artists to hone their craft and engage with fans. ”Music venues also play a vital role in the growth of the music industry as a whole, encouraging creativity and new ideas. “By backing grassroots music venues, you contribute to the future of all music, not only electronic and dance music.”

GMVs bring us together – they’re a safe space for queer, femme, POC and marginalised identities to express their love for the dance and explore their communities. Take away these spaces, and then what? The good news is that it’s not too far gone, and things can be turned around. 

The Music Venue Trust introduced a campaign last year for stadiums and arenas to donate £1 from each ticket they sell to grassroots venues, artists and promoters. 

The report has sparked a conversation, highlighting the dire crisis of our dance floors. We can help too. Save our scene, support local venues, and put your money where your mouth is. Our venues need us more than ever – isn’t this a good enough excuse for a party?

In London, we champion grassroots venues like The Windmill, Moth Club, The Lexington, The Shacklewell Arms, Village Underground, EARTH and so many more! Keep our culture alive and spend your hard earned P’s supporting these venues.