Shocka, reassures sufferers of mental trauma with ‘Don’t Be Ashamed’

On his latest single, ‘Don’t Be Ashamed,’ featuring Sami Switch, rapper and mental health advocate Shocka reassures mental trauma victims.

Shocka has quite the story, and one that he looks back at with a sense of pride and fearlessness on ‘Don’t Be Ashamed’. Born and raised in Tottenham, London, Shocka exploded onto the grime scene as one/third of grime collective Marvell, alongside Double S and Vertex and going on tour with legendary grime MC’s Skepta and Chip.

After struggling with mental health challenges, Shocka became a mental health champion, utilising his music to aid people in need, speaking on a TEDx TALK, and appearing on several talk programmes to promote awareness. Shocka opens up about his background, purpose, and new-found zest for life in interviews with ITV and The Guardian, and it’s clear on this new record

‘Don’t Be Ashamed’ sees Shocka unleash his creative appetite with an investigation of his past issues with mental health, religion, and alcohol, absorbing the guilt and uncertainty that comes with mental illness and giving intimate words of consolation, pride, and faith.

Speaking on the message of the single, Shocka explains; “At first listen it’s about breaking down the stigma attached to being sectioned, but there’s a bigger message… it’s also the realisation that we all have secrets insecurities and fears. I am willing to be vulnerable and admit my flaws, which I hope then allows others to be comfortable admitting theirs. The aim is to erase the shame and bring about healing.” 

The track’s composition reflects the lyrical warmth of ‘Don’t Be Ashamed,’ with comforting piano and an irresistible hip-hop groove laying inviting foundations, later complemented by guitar embellishments and earworm vocal melodies – a brilliant bed to Shocka’s story and sets the pace for his upcoming material.

Photos by Owen Vincent James