Dance floor domination at Argys album tour

To be invited to Argy’s largest London headline show at Outer Net in Soho, instantly I grabbed my  girls, pre gamed hard ( maybe a little too hard ) and we shot over there! The other Brokerz that  joined me Saturday are not die hard tech fans, which I’ll let you know at the end if Argy and Ida  Engberg had influenced them to update their new Spotify playlist.  

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Calling All Rave Rats, Salute Just Released His New Single ‘System’

Picking up steam in the music scene, Salute the Austrian born now Manchester-based DJ/Producer has gripped us Brokerz from the first time we stumbled across his Boiler Room set! Watching him drop one of the most insane sets we’ve ever seen at Waterworks festival to going B2B with Joy Anonymous a few months back, we were buzzing to hear his first single of the year ‘System’…

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Fat Boy Slim Announces New EP With A Bruno Martini Remix Of ‘Eat Sleep Rave Repeat’

Legendary Norman Quentin Cook, famously known as Fat Boy Slim, a trailblazer of big beat music in the 90s, joins with DJ/Producer Bruno Martini to collaborate on a remix for this iconic tune. Announcing his upcoming EP, ‘The Best Of Remixes’ via this new release, both artists impressed us with captivating nostalgic elements of British deep rave music, combined with a cultural richness of Brazilian electronic dance sound.

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