Iz & Zig gossip about New York’s underground music scene as an upcoming artist

As a Zillennial kid who lived to be online, I spent my youth trawling the internet through websites, blogs, chatrooms, and social games. That’s why making longstanding friends through a digital experience feels so normal to me and probably one of the many reasons I hold Zig (a New Yorker from across the pond) so high up in my good books! 

After finding me through my journalistic work a few years back, Zig appeared in my life with such drive and me being who I am, people like that connect with me on another level. I could feel his energy even being 5,567 km apart. He had me hooked! Not only does Zig have an amazing ability to tell stories through his lyrics and songwriting but his persona effortlessly gleams with kindness, passion and artistic quality. 

Today, I present Zig in his rawest form yet. About to release a heap of music and reveal his soul to all. He tells me everything, from vibing in the underground New York music scene to his closest childhood moments that led him to the man he is today. This is a real personal one and I know when you read our conversation below you’ll love Zig outside and in – just like me!

So Zig, you and I have been friends for a while now. Crazy how we got connected. Would love for you to tell our audience how we linked up.

I was actually looking into some publications, which I had never done before at that point, and I came across this really dope article written on an artist I had just been put on to named Goya Gombani. Looked for the writer because I was hella intrigued by the article and came across the magnificent Izzy Rose. Sent an email introducing myself and showing you what I was working on at the moment and we just hit it off. Years later here we are <3 

And being a king from across the pond living it up in New York, how are the vibes there currently?

We are finally coming to the end of seasonal depression it feels like. There’s a scent of hope or optimism in the air. All the artist were in their lil cocoons now ready to flap those bright wings and showcase evolution. Fashion getting colorful and expressive again. The weather def plays a large part on the energy out here, it puts a certain electricity in all of us. Just the inspiration I get from smokin a blunt in Washington Square on a busy day. So much life. Collective excitement 

You have been a rapper and lyricist for a good chunk of your life, right? Can you let the readers know your background and why you decided you wanted to pursue music?

I always felt comfy performing, even as a lil kid. My family knew I was supposed to be an entertainer. Then I was extremely good with my words at a young age as well, so I loved writing stories and shit like that. My mother taught me my first rap song at like 7 years old and I got fucking addicted (Children’s Story by Slick Rick). My stepfather is also a singer songwriter so I just grew up looking at music as the ultimate job. I started freestyling for the homies around the way, and one day my boy Shaq was just like “yo let’s try to record something for real”. Did that in like 2011 in his mama dining room and never looked back. I feel like I truly have something to say, and my spirit just chooses music. 

Creative to creative, the scene can be challenging but you have such a fire and drive man – has that always been the case? 

My connection to God has really always given me extreme confidence. I’ll admit that my fire may not match my desire at times, but that’s something I’m working on. You definitely have to keep your flame on at all times working in this field, but I don’t really look at the music scene as competitive. I think that’s where a lot of people become something other than themselves, an unnecessary battle. We all have a thread to add to this fabric of life, so I just focus on what I’m doing and believe it’ll fit where it should. 

I know you have big things coming up in terms of releases and putting your words out there, can you let people know what to expect from that?

Ego death. I’m doing a lot of work on myself Iz. Learning how much I’ve been living through ego and how much that has tainted my view on life. So conceptually I’ll be stripping down, being as vulnerable as I can be. Bringing more poetics to my artistry. And sonically I’m in a groovy soulrap bag, I like it here. 

And just navigating as an underground artist in NY what’s that like for you?

It’s interesting.. you know the whole “if you can make it in NY you can make it anywhere” saying, there’s truth to it fasho. The energy it takes to even just fucking exist in New York, that energy put in anywhere else, you’re thriving. And with such an over-saturation of artists in this “underground” world, you’d think there would be more support and community but that ain’t always the case. But everyone wants to be a main character here, and I can dig that. It’s trying to find that balance that I think a lot of us struggle with. 

Are there any special moments bopping around the city you wanna share? We all love a good anecdote 🙂

Well, funny full circle moment. I recently ended up at a Goya Gumbani show here in Brooklyn. I’m in talks with him now about possibly getting on a bill with him. So God willing, I’ll be playing some bigger shows this year. 

Are there plans to come back over the pond too? We need another boogie man!

I’m definitely coming back this year Iz, it’s mandatory. Remember we spoke about maybe hitting Clout Festival in Poland later this year, Idk if that counts. But yeh, I’m dead looking into coming back to London ASAP. Miss ya and you make the best tea. 

Lastly, what do you wanna leave our audience with to linger from meeting and catching up with ya? 

Hmm, listen yall… For years I’ve been feeling so far behind myself. & I think I’ve finally caught up. Ready to give that to the world. 

Photography by Tamar Khlghatyan

Styling by Heidi Cannon

Styling assistant Laura Napoliello

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